How to guard against identity theft is one of the most searched for terms online today. Crime statistics show the reason for this, is the alarming ongoing increase of personal ID stealing every day, not just in the U.S., but worldwide. You cannot pick up a newspaper, watch or listen to the radio and T. V. news programs without hearing of someone being ripped off by these thieves. As you continue to read, you will discover some very simple steps which you can take to avoid becoming one of those statistics.
You may not be aware of this but some company’s make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling your personal information. That's right your name, address and phone number are sold to telemarketing companies, insurance companies, credit card companies, to name just a few. That’s why so many people get a lot of junk mail and unsolicited preapproved/prescreened credit card and insurance offers. One of the simplest steps you can take to prevent this is to read through these preapproved/prescreened credit card or insurance offers and look for the opt-out instructions. By following these instructions you will stop getting these preapproved/prescreened offers. Talking about a simple step to prevent I. D. theft, the next one may well be the simplest of all.
On a daily basis you receive junk mail from various vendors and especially credit card companies. It is very easy for you to look at the outside envelope and determine its junk mail and drop it in the trash. You have just made a big mistake. From now on take the step of cutting up or shredding junk mail that has your name, address, social security number and all other forms of your personal information listed.
Another simple tip for how to guard against identity theft is avoid using your mail box to mail bills around the first of the month. Experienced identity thieves know they can steal your check which will provide them with not only your address, your credit card number, bank account number and possibly your social security number. To avoid this opportunity for the thieves to steal, drop your bills in the nearest official government mail box or post office. In addition, if you are computer savvy, many banks make it easy and free to pay your bills on line.
Because of the multiple ways to steal someone's personal information it can be difficult to be 100% safe. Common sense and following the above, how to guard against identity theft, tips can go a long way in preventing you from becoming one of the 8 million victims of I.D. theft.
For more information about identity theft visit web site dedicated to providing tips on identity theft prevention and identity theft protection.
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